Empowering Dreams, Unleashing Potential

Iveyn – 2nd place win

As humans, we all crave acknowledgment, whether we admit it or not. I remember the thrill I felt as a child when my teacher asked me to come to the front of the class for everyone to acknowledge a good result. Or when I started my first job and became the employee of the month. Moments like these motivate you to do more and become more. That feeling of being seen and appreciated was priceless. As adults, compliments from those we respect can mean the world to us. When someone truly sees us and recognizes our potential, they unleash a powerful force within us and open up a world of endless possibilities.

As I have grown older, I’ve developed a sense of self-worth and no longer rely on others for validation. Yet, the impact of a simple “well done” is not lost on me. I deeply appreciate the power of positive affirmations and the profound effect they can have on our lives.

During interviews with students, the Amara Charitable Trust team witnesses the raw potential in the disadvantaged youth sitting across from them. These young individuals, filled with uncertainty about their future, are desperate to be selected for a scholarship. The team sees beyond their self-doubt, recognizing the immense value and untapped possibilities within each one. The following quote captures our vision perfectly:

“When I approach a child, he inspires in me two sentiments – tenderness for what he is and respect for what he may become.” – Louis Pasteur

Giving disadvantaged youth an opportunity to pursue further education offers them hope where there was only despair and begins what is almost a miraculous transformation. For many young people growing up in challenging environments, the absence of quality education and a supportive belief system can suffocate their dreams and stifle their potential.

Education is more than just learning facts and figures; it is a gateway to a brighter future. For disadvantaged youth, it represents a beacon of hope, a way out of the cycle of poverty that often grips their families for generations. A good education provides them with the skills and knowledge to dream big and achieve those dreams. With every lesson learned, these young individuals gain confidence, realizing they are capable of so much more than their circumstances suggest.

However, education alone is not enough. Believing in them, can be the spark that ignites their transformation. When a teacher, mentor or an organization like Amara Charitable Trust believes in them, these young people start to believe in themselves. This belief can be a powerful motivator, inspiring them to overcome obstacles and strive for a better future. Belief fosters resilience, courage, and a sense of worth—qualities that are essential for any young person trying to break free from the constraints of a disadvantaged background.

As we visit students being supported with scholarships at their secondary schools and technical colleges where they have been enrolled, we witness firsthand their transformation from scared, shy individuals into confident young adults who are excited about their future.

We often remark about the changes in the students especially their blossoming confidence. Where they once barely spoke, they now eagerly share their newfound knowledge, proudly showcase their projects, and excitedly recount their college experiences. One of our students, Raphael, beamed with pride as he told us about baking a cake — an achievement unimaginable for a young Maasai man. Duncan, another student, speaks with such passion about his dream of becoming a Civil Engineer that you can feel how much it means to him.

Many of these students have thrown themselves wholeheartedly into college life, excelling in sports, participating in drama festivals, and representing their college in debate competitions. Hearing about their leadership roles, confidently assumed within their first semester, is incredibly heartening. Our visits not only ignite enthusiasm among their peers but also, perhaps, spark a bit of envy.

This transformation is mirrored in secondary schools as well. In February this year, when we visited Mathatani Secondary School to conduct interviews, we encountered students we had enrolled into Form 1 the previous year. Their transformation, with the exception of one girl, was nothing short of magical. Five had already become prefects, and one had even attempted to secure a school prefect position. When we first met them during their interviews in 2022, they were shy and almost afraid to make eye contact. Most wouldn’t even answer our questions. Yet now, they had so much to share about their favorite subjects, the sports they were playing, and their future plans.

These stories are a testament to the incredible potential unlocked when someone believes in them.

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Their stories often feature a dedicated teacher who never gave up, a mentor who provided unwavering support, a scholarship that opened the doors to higher education, and a community that rallied around a young person in need. These stories remind us of the incredible impact that education and belief can have. They show us how, with the right support, even the most disadvantaged youth can rise above their circumstances and achieve greatness.

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I know I am not alone when I say my heart swells with pride as I watch the students’ progress, witnessing their milestones, hearing how they are overcoming adversities and especially attending their graduations to celebrate their success. Each moment feels like a triumph, not just for them, but for everyone who believed in their potential. It is profoundly humbling to think that such dramatic change can stem from just a little support and encouragement. It is a testament to the power of belief and the boundless possibilities it unlocks.

Knowing that we have played a part in that transformation is a deeply moving experience that reaffirms the importance of what we do.

“I continue to believe that if children are given the necessary tools to succeed, they will succeed beyond their wildest dreams!” —David Vitter.


Article by Theresa Pereira

Theresa started working with Amara Charitable Trust in May 2022 and her experiences with the communities we serve inspires her blogs posts. Everyday day brings new life lessons which are cherished and accepted with gratitude.

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