Kitengela Magareza Mixed High School

Location: Kitengela town, Kajiado County, Kenya

The school was started in 2017 with a population of 150 students. Currently the students’ enrollment is 1900.

Amara started working with this school in 2018 as there is great potential for growth in student population here.  Also, there is no public secondary school in Kitengela town.

Chart by Visualizer

Amara has assisted with:

  • Donations of assorted reference books and curriculum text books
  • Donation of sanitary towels
  • Setting up of a library in May 2018
  • Construction of 10 classrooms was completed in September 2019
  • Planting a mini forest/orchard of fruit, shade and flowering trees.  A total of 417 tree seedlings were planted from January to August 2020.
  • Donated library books and shelves in 2023 and 2024.
  • Donated furniture for the teachers' staff room in 2023.

"Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another”. G.K. Chesterton

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Our regreening program has changed the landscape at the school

Donating Library Books at Kitengela

Donated an assortment of library books to the school in 2023 and 2024


The newly constructed double-storey block of classrooms


Ribbon cutting by Ananya Dave at the official handing over ceremony


The ongoing construction of 10 classrooms at first floor walling stage


Construction at foundation stage

Site meeting with consulants,contractor and Amara team

The Amara team and consultants during a site visit meeting


The trees have grown and thrived. The paw paws and berries started fruiting by October 2020.


Finally, the Paw paw trees have matured that can be enjoyed by the students and school fraternity