"Our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty." — Albert Einstein

Planting fruit tree seedlings at Kitengela Magereza High School

Planting trees and vegetable gardens at Kanaani Primary School

Ngwata Primary School students reading during a library lesson

Conducted menstrual hygiene workshops at Ewuaso Girls Secondary School

Workbooks program revision lesson at Oldonyonyokie Primary School

Assorted donations to students of Kyangoma Special Needs School

Children at Kwa Mboo Primary School enjoying playground facilities

Students at Kwa Kalusya Primary School receiving a donation of wall charts

Donations of revision books and stationery to students at Katani Secondary School

Donations of desks to Ngwata Primary School

Karate training session at Kanaani Primary School