Katani Secondary School

Location: Mavoko Constituency, Athi River District, Machakos County, Kenya

The school started in 2010 with a population of 30 students. The current population in 524 students.   Amara started working with this school in 2017.

The Team decided to work with this school because they owned spacious grounds and had the potential for income generating projects such as kitchen gardens.

The school has proactive teachers and Board of Management.

Chart by Visualizer

Amara has assisted with:

  • Construction of a kitchen
  • A systematic library in May 2018
  • Football uniforms and balls
  • Sanitary towels and stationery
  • Metal cabinets
  • Amara constructed a boys' dormitory in April 2019
  • Cultivating vegetable garden and planting fruit and shade trees
  • Donated assorted library books and shelves in 2022
  • Donated teachers' desks and library books in 2023.

“You cannot make people learn. You can only provide the right conditions for learning to happen.” - Vince Gowmon

Donating library books at Katani

Donated over 1,000 library books


Donating furniture at Katani

Donated school furniture and shelves for the library


Speech by Mr. Samuel Mwaura (Grant Thornton) at the opening ceremony


Speech by Vasha Vora at the opening ceremony


Grant Thornton Team with the Amara Team


Ceremonial tree planting by the Amara team to mark the occasion


The New Boys' dormitory funded by Grant Thornton Kenya and their well-wishers

Ongoing construction at roof stage

Ongoing construction of the boys' dormitory at roof stage


New kitchen and storeroom


Opening ceremony of the kitchen and storeroom


A library lesson that has seen an improvement in their English grades

Donation of reference books

Donation of geometrical sets, reference books and school stationery

Donation of football uniforms
Donation of sanitary towels

Donations of football uniforms and balls to the school's football team and sanitary towels to the girls