What made the AMARA team commit to Philanthropy work?
We all wish to leave behind a legacy of an Educated and Empowered generation of Kenyans who can take their place in the world arena with pride and dignity.
We believe all children must have hope and vision of a better future and that can only be possible with better education, nutrition and healthcare.
Each one of us is passionate and dedicated to the various areas of a holistic education that will add lasting positive values in the lives of children.
What challenges do you face?
The roads to most schools are difficult to use during the rainy season and construction costs do rise due to the distance, difficult transportation and lack of water in most areas.
Requirement for continuous training to all beneficiary schools for transparency and regular reporting to Amara. A considerable amount of time and energy is spent on this exercise by the team in order to be accountable to our donors.
Lack of water slows down many of our projects, especially the kitchen garden and tree planting projects.
Transport for the team to the twelve schools regularly for the various projects.
How is AMARA different from all other Charities?
We have low administration costs of below 7 %. All Trustees work free and volunteer their time and transport to the schools for regular site visits.
We are an involved team and visit each school at least once a month or more if there is an ongoing construction or other project.
We encourage and include students, teachers, the stakeholders and parents to work towards sustainability of Amara’s projects.
This is done with regular meetings, empowering workshops and working with the Sub County Educator’s Office.
One of our core beliefs is in our transparency and accountability to the donors, stakeholders and beneficiaries. We have regular partners who donate regularly for the various projects and choose Amara repeatedly as their preferred Charity to work with.
They give excellent referrals from their friends and families, who then join the Amara donor family.