Education Fund Programme
"A child without education is like a bird without wings" Tibetan proverb

Naomi studying Registered Community Nursing at OLL College of Health Science

Boniface, studying Motor Vehicle Technology Combined at Eastlands College of Technology

Cephas studying Electrical Technology at Eastlands College of Technology

Ivyen Wambui studying Hospitality and Food Production at Kibodeni College

Derrick Morara an electrical student at his internship

Simon Muema, welding and fabrication students doing a practical lesson

Antony studying joinery and cabinet making at St. Kizito College

Mwenda, a special needs student studying Masonry at Utangwa Youth Polytechnic

Students from St. Kizito College mentoring students at their former secondary school

Trustee mentoring St. Kizito students

Students sponsored by I&M Foundation attending and Open Day

Celebrating With Students Who Have Completed Their Training
Student Testimonials
Read What Our Students Have to Say