Feeding Programme

"There is enough on this planet for everyone's needs but not for everyone's greed" Mohandas Gandhi

Feeding Program Graphic

Your donation helps us sustain this important program in schools that need it most and keeps young learners in class where they can continue learning


Amara installed energy saving stoves at Ngwata Primary School

Senior students serving junior students their lunch

Senior students serving junior students their lunch at Kanaani Primary School


Students of Ngalalya Primary School looking forward to getting their lunch


Students at Kanaani Primary School enjoying their lunch


Excited students queuing for their lunch at Kwa Kalusya Primary School


Learners enjoying lunch at Ngwata Primary School

Students of Kwa Kalusya Primary School enjoying the shade and their meal at lunch time

Students of Kwa Kalusya Primary School enjoying the shade and their meal at lunch time


Mt View Primary School students queuing for lunch


Ngwata Primary School students thanking a donor & wishing her a happy Birthday

Students look forward to mealtimes at Kanaani Primary School

Feedback from School on FP2

Feedback from the Principal at Ngwata Primary School on the Feeding Program

Feedback from School on FP

Feedback from the Deputy Principal at Kanaani Primary School on the Feeding Program