Kimuka Girl's Secondary School
Location: Kajiado West, Kajiado County, Ngong Town
Amara started working with this school in 2021. We selected this school because of the large population of girls attending and lack of adequate boarding facilities to cater for the numbers. The current semi-permanent dormitories that had a capacity for 50 girls was housing 68 - 70 girls with hardly any room for the girls to move around or even to climb the bunk above. It was therefore decided that a dormitory was urgently needed especially for the new form one students.
Student numbers increased from 12 students in 2008 to 1045 students currently.
Chart by Visualizer
Amara provided the following:
- Amara constructed a Girls' Dormitory in May 2022.
- Donated assorted library and reference books to set up a library in 2023
- In 2024, we installed two 10,000 lit. water tanks to address the water shortage at the school
"Learning to Read and Write changes lives; it means jobs, money, health and dreams fulfilled" - Queen Rania of Jordan

In 2024, we donated two 10,000 litre tanks to the school, constructed plinths and installed piping

Thanks to generous donors, we donated just over 1,000 assorted library books to the school

The 'dormitory' styled cake was the highpoint of the celebration!

The Amara team and school's Board of Management in front of the New Girls' Dormitory

Entertainment by students during a colourful and well-attended 0pening ceremony